Our Expert Guides On Mount Kilimanjaro

Simon Ashton
Marketing & Operations Director, UK
Simon founded Kilimanjaro Climbing Company over 4 years ago and has summited the mountain several times via different routes. His main roles in the company are marketing and operations in the UK. Simon is there to assist and answer any questions you may have pre-expedition. He also has a passion for Elephants and strives to help protect the endangered wildlife of Africa - especially Elephants.

Gregory Prosper Mosha
Head Guide & Operations Manager
Prosper is our Cheif Guide and has sumitted Kilimanjaro more then 250 times. He started as a young porter and has learned the hard way to becoming one of the most experienced and successful guides on Kilimanjaro. He is a valued member and pillar of our team who now also mentors our younger guides. Prosper has many stories to tell and he will be with you every step of the way.

Geofrey Kimaro
Ground Operations Manager, Tanzania
Geofrey is one of KCC`s Tanzanian Ground Operations Managers and will be there to answer any questions you may have once you arrive in Tanzania. Geofrey has worked for over 12 years organising treks and safaris in Tanzania and is a valued and respected member of our team. He maintains a close communication role with all members of our team on the mountain, Arusha and the UK to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

Our Guides, Chefs & Porters - These guys will amaze you!
All our guides have been carefully selected and have each summited successfully over 180-250 times. We pay high wages so we can attract and hand pick staff with the best characters, skills and knowledge of Kilimanjaro. Our chefs have been professionally trained to make you delicious food and many of our valued porters complete the team.