What can I expect on Summit Day?

This is the time where your reasons for climbing and desire to reach the summit will come to test. After leaving Karranga camp, the ascent to Barafu Hut is underway. It`s time to start preparing for the mission ahead.

Our base camp team will greet you and serve a hot lunch upon your arrival. Afterwards our guides will give you a briefing about the summit night. You will also have time to relax and enjoy the spirit in the camp and perhaps some reflection on what you have accomplished so far!

Be Prepared for the Summit

It is a good time to cross-check and prepare your equipment and clothing. Dinner will be served very early to give you ample time to rest and sleep. Good food, lots of water and sleep are the keys to a successful summit. We advise you to be in bed (sleeping bag) :)) before 7pm to be rested for your wake up hot drink at around 11:30pm.

Wakey Wakey!!

The wake-up tea will be served at 11:30pm with the departure at midnight. After a hot drink and some biscuits we will start the challenge for the summit. The initial 6 hour climb begins in the dark with only your headlamps and guides to show you the way through the thick scree and winding pathways of Ratzel and Rebmann Glaciers until reaching Stella Point…

With You Every Step Of The Way

All our guides are very experienced and are there for you every step of the way. Their main priority is your safety and of course enjoyment. With such a trek as Kili, there are likely to be some challenges along the way. Our guides will be monitoring you and making sure you are okay but it is also very important you tell them if you are not feeling very well, not drinking enough or eating enough.

It is possible that someone may have to turn around on the mountain due to altitude sickness, exhaustion or a variety of other matters. Each group will have a lead guide, a number of assistant guides depending on the party size, and summit porters – all of whom are able to escort climbers down. Therefore, if a person cannot continue the ascent, one of the staff members will accompany this climber while the lead guide takes the group onward. The remaining party is unaffected and continues their climb as scheduled.

Short Breaks

Short breaks, usually lasting less than ten minutes, will be taken along the way for a quick snack and drink. This is to make sure the climbers stay energized and hydrated but do not get cold by sitting still. The guides will regularly check to see how everyone is feeling and offer a hand to those who may need extra help. One of the keys to success is to eat and drink as much water as you can. Of course our aim is to all summit but, please try to avoid peer pressure. We are climbing as a group, but this is also a very personal challenge and it is important to listen to yourself.

Our Guides Word Is Final

If for whatever reason, our head guide or one of the other guides thinks it is not wise for you to carry on they will make a decision of what course of action to take and that decision is final. They only want you to succeed but as mentioned earlier – your safety is paramount.

Standing On The “Roof Of Africa”


At around sunrise ( 6:30am ) We aim to be stood at the Summit – UHURU PEAK – 5895m. This can be a very emotional time!! Our guides will take pictures of you at the world famous Uhuru sign and post it on Facebook for your family and friends at home. After a few minutes spent at the summit, due to the altitude and cold, it is important to start our descent.

What Goes Up – Must Come Down!


AHHH ! That’s what the trekking poles are for?!! After leaving the summit, the descent begins through sliding scree and winding pathways for about 2 hours back to Barafu. On reaching the camp, the rest of our team will congratulate you and welcome you with a hot lunch. You will have the chance for a longer break before we start the next descent to Mweka Camp.

Trekking poles are very useful in this part of the descent. In the camp you will have a last fantastic view on the summit – finding it hard to believe that only a few hours ago you were stood at the top. And after this long day, you can enjoy your dinner and your last day on the mountain.